Ear training test print-out editor

Снимок окна редактора набора упражнений

This tool is available on the File menu. Use it to create ear training tests to print out on paper. Solfege will generate two versions of the document: one for the students to complete, and one with the correct answer already written. This tool was added by request from a user, but we don't know if it has any real world usage. So please contact us if you really use this, and let us know if it is usable.

The Add button will pop up a menu with all exercises from the active front page that this tool can create exercises from: exercises written using the idbyname, melodicinterval and harmonicinterval exercise modules. From lesson files written for the idbyname module, only chord, rvoice and voice music objects are supported.

Create sheet will open a dialog that let you select or create an empty directory, and then save the HTML or LaTex files and the graphics in that directory.

When you save and load the files defining ear training tests, the program will remember the random questions, so loading a file and clicking Create Sheet will create the exact same test. Click Randomize to create a new random set of questions.