Labdoo Toolkit

The Labdoo Toolkit provides a set of tools to allow labdooers carry out their mini-missions. These tools include items such as the 'Dootronic Sanitation Manual', flyers to run your own local awareness campaigns, or the Labdoo logos that you can use to compose your own outreaching material, among many other items.

Labdoo Logos

If you are carrying out outreaching activities, you may want to use the Labdoo logos to create your own awareness material (flyers, announcements, etc.). You can download all the Labdoo logos from this page. Pick the one most appropriate to the message you want to convey.

Note: all the Labdoo content (inluding the following logos) can be freely downloaded as long as you make a fair usage of it. All content is released under the Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 3.0):

Labdoo logo: classic

Labdoo logo: word

Labdoo logo: word (alpha)

Labdoo slogan: tag a laptop

Labdoo slogan: build a lab

Labdoo slogan: build a lab

Labdoo global statistics

Labdoo logo: education 1

Labdoo logo: education 2

Labdoo logo: equation

Labdoo logo: steps 1

Labdoo logo: steps 2

Labdoo logo: social heart

Labdoo travel logo:

Labdoo steps with pictures:

Labdoo activity world map:

Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility:

Labdoo map markers. You can use this if you compose your own maps.

Lasites/default/files/content/labdoo-toolkit/labdoo-steps-pictures.pngbdoo actions:

Labdoo DACH logo:

Labdoo Responses Templates

This wiki book includes a list of email templates that labdooers can use to help automate the process of replying to email requests. For instance, when a hub manager receives an edoovillage creation request from a destination school, the manager can automatically use the 'Response to Dootronics Solicitation' template. While each request will have its own specific requirements, using general templates to help automate responses to email requests help in two ways:

  • They help standardize and unify the messages that all labdoeers provide to solicitors, making the process more globally consistent/coherent.
  • They avoid labdooers having to re-write over and over emails that are identical or very similar.

Response to Dootronics Solicitation


1. Standard response.


Thank you for contacting Labdoo and for all the work you've done to help spread education.

In order to evaluation if we can help with your project, we need first to identify possible travelers who will travel from any of the Labdoo hubs to $SOLICITORCOUNTRYNAME. Here is the list of Labdoo hubs: for your reference.

Do you know any potential traveler from your area to any of the Labdoo hubs in the following weeks or months? If so, please let us know and we can explore possible ways to bring laptops to your project. We are looking forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you and best wishes,

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


2. 'Cannot serve' response.

In some occasions, solicitors ask us to donate laptops to individuals or non-education projects, which is not part of Labdoo's mission. For such cases, you can use the following response.



Thank you for contacting Project Labdoo.

Project Labdoo's mission is to bring laptops loaded with education software to well organized education centers. As such, we regretfully cannot donate laptops to individuals or to organizations outside the Project's mission scope and so, unfortunately, we cannot serve your request.

Alternatively, if you are enrolled in a school program, we could explore the possibility of bringing laptops to your school. If this is an option, you would be able to use the contributed laptops by borrowing them from the school in a time-shared basis together with the rest of your classmates. Notice that there is an involved process to create a project to receive laptops in a school, so this may not accommodate your immediate needs. Let us know if otherwise.

Thank you for reaching out.

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


1. Respuesta estándar.


Gracias por contactar con el Proyecto

Con el fin de entender si podemos ayudar a tu proyecto, primero tenemos que identificar posibles viajeros que irán desde cualquiera de los centros Labdoo a $SOLICITORCOUNTRYNAME.

¿Conoces a alguien que viaje desde su área a cualquiera de los hubs Labdoo en las siguientes semanas o meses?
Aquí encontrarás la lista de los hubs Labdoo:

Si es así, podemos explorar las formas en que podemos tratar de llevar computadoras portátiles para su proyecto.

A la espera de saber de ti.


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


2. Respuesta cuando no es posible servir computadoras.

En algunas ocasiones, los solicitantes piden computadoras portátiles para personas o proyectos que no tienen como objetivo la educación, y por lo tanto para objetivos que no son parte de la misión Para estos casos, puedes utilizar la siguiente respuesta.



Gracias por contactar con el Proyecto

La misión del Proyecto Labdoo es llevar computadoras portátiles cargadas con software educativo a centros educativos bien organizados. Como tal, no podemos donar computadoras portátiles a individuos o a organizaciones que tienen otros objetivos diferentes a la educación y por ello, desafortunadamente, no podemos servir a su solicitud.

Alternativamente, si usted está vinculado a una escuela, se podría explorar la posibilidad de llevar computadoras portátiles a su escuela. Si esto es una opción, usted y sus compañeros serán capaces de utilizar los ordenadores portátiles aportados desde la escuela en régimen de tiempo compartido y desde la escuela, junto con el resto de sus compañeros de clase.

Gracias por contactar con el Proyecto


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


1. 標準回應.


感謝您聯繫 Labdoo.

為了理解我們是否有能力贊助您的專案,我們首先需要找到可能從任何 Labdoo hubs到 $SOLICITORCOUNTRYNAME的旅客。

您有認識在最近幾周可能會從任何 Labdoo hubs旅行到您所在地區的人嗎? 以下是 Labdoo hubs的名單供您參考:



Labdoo 小組 |


2. '無法提供服務' 回應

在某些情況下,申請者希望捐贈筆電給個人或非教育專案,超越 Labdoo 服務的範圍。對於這種情況下,你可以使用以下的回應。






Labdoo 小組 |


1. Resposta estàndard.


Gràcies per contactar amb el projecte

Amb la finalitat de veure si podem ajudar al teu projecte, primer hem d'identificar els possibles viatgers que aniran des de qualsevol dels centres Labdoo a $NOMPAÍSSOL·LICITANT.

¿Coneixes a algú que viatgi des de la seva zona a qualsevol dels hubs en les pròximes setmanes o mesos?
Aquí trobaràs la llista dels hubs de Labdoo:

Si es així, podem mirar les formes en que podem tractar de fer arribar els dootronics (ordinadors portàtils, tablets, ...) per al projecte.

Estarem encantats de tornar a sentir de tu.


Labdoo Team |
Etiqueta un dootronic, regala l'educació


2. Resposta en el cas que el sol.licitant ja tingui un viatger i tot apunt (per exemple, ONGs que estan apunt de viatjar a una escola)



Moltes gràcies per contactar amb el projecte

Donat que ja teniu viatgers propis, caldria fer el següent:

1. Anuncia el teu viatge creant un dootrip seguint aquests passos:

2. Un cop hagis creat el dootrip, algú de la xarxa mirarà d'assignar portàtils al teu dootrip.

3. Un cop tinguis portàtils, crearem la teva edoovillage:

Si us plau fes el pas 1 quan abans millor, per assegurar-nos que hi ha prou temps per assignar-vos portàtils sanejats amb les aplicacions educatives.

Trobaràs més informació de com funciona el Projecte Labdoo aquí:

Labdoo Team |
Etiqueta un dootronic, regala l'educació


3. Resposta quan no és possible portar ordinadors.

E algunes ocasions, els solicitants demanen dootronics (ordinadors portàtils, ...) per a persones o projectes que no tenen com a objectiu l'educació i, per tant, per a objectius que no són part de la missió de Per aquests casos, pots utilitzar la següent resposta.



Gràcies per contactar amb el projecte

La missió del projecte Labdoo és portar dootronics (portàtils, tablets, ...) carregats amb programari educatiu a centres educatius ben organitzats. Així doncs, no podem donar dootronics a persones o organitzacions que tinguin altres objectius diferents a l'educació i, per tant, desafortunadament, no podem gestionar la teva sol·licitud.

De totes formes, si estàs vinculat a una escola, es podria mirar de portar dootronics a aquella escola. D'aquesta forma, podries utilitzar els dootronics donats a l'escola i compartir-los amb la resta d'alumnes d'aquesta. Pensa, però, que això requereix temps i, pert tant, és possible que no resolgui les teves necessitats immediates.

Gràcies per contactar amb el projecte


Labdoo Team |
Etiqueta un dootronic, regala l'educació


1. Standardantwort

Lieber Antragsteller, liebe(r) $SOLICITORNAME,

Vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme und Anfrage. Um Ihren Bedarf besser zu verstehen und prüfen zu können, benötigen wir Ihre Angaben z.B. zum Projekt und ob es potentielle Flugpaten zum Transport der IT-Spenden gibt.

Weitere Informationen und den Antrag (request) für IT-Spenden für Ihr „Edoovillage“ (so heißen bei Schulen, Heime, Jugendprojekte usw.) finden Sie im Wiki.


(Den Antrag öffnen, im Browser → speichern unter → dann mit Editor oder Word öffnen, ausfüllen und einsenden, danke)

Bitte füllen Sie es soweit als möglich aus. Was Sie nicht wissen, lassen Sie frei. Bitte senden Sie es mit einigen Fotos vom Projekt zurück (für das Ausland bitte auch vom Umland, dem Ort, der Schule und den Kindern). Danach stellen wir es im Fall der Annahme auf unsere Homepage.

Im FAQ Forum finden Sie die häufigsten Fragen, auch zum Zoll usw. beantwortet.

Alle bisherigen Projekte stehen auf Sie können dort auch nach Ländern u.a. Kriterien filtern.

Wichtig ist auch, dass Antragsteller eine private oder staatliche Initiative / Projekt ist (Schule, Waisenhaus, Jugend-/Flüchtlingsprojekt). Die IT-Spenden können nicht an Einzelpersonen, sondern nur an Projekte gegeben werden, in deren Eigentum die IT-Spenden auch verbleiben. Die IT-Spenden sind gekennzeichnet und nummeriert. Daher ist jederzeit eine Kontrolle möglich, ob die erhaltenen IT-Spenden auch dort noch im Einsatz sind. Eine Weitergabe an Dritte ist nicht erlaubt.

Defekte IT-Spenden werden nur gegen Rückgabe der nicht mehr funktionierenden Geräte kostenlos ausgetauscht.

Eine Projektpräsentation finden Sie auf

Für Projekte im Inland:
Projekte im Inland können eine PC-Spende beantragen oder selber aktiv werden, IT-Spenden sammeln und aufbereiten. Bei ca. 23 Mio. ausrangierten Computern in Privathaushalten plus den in Firmen ist der Pool riesig. Die Lernsoftware, Lerninhalte und Deutschkurse können leicht installiert und on- wie offline eingesetzt werden. Falls im Inland Laptops benötigt werden, brauchen wir eine kurze Begründung, warum keine PCs möglich sind.

Für Projekte im Ausland:
Auslandsprojekte erhalten i.d.R. Laptops. Wichtig für eine Entscheidung, ob ein Antrag angenommen wird, ist die Logistik, z.B. ob es Flugpaten gibt, die ab und zu das Projekt besuchen und IT-Spenden nach $SOLICITORCOUNTRYNAME mitnehmen können oder ob es Hilfsendungen gibt, bei denen IT-Spenden als Beipack mitgegeben werden können.

Bitte sagen Sie ca. 4 Wochen vor Abreise Bescheid, damit wir genügend Vorlauf haben, die IT-Spenden vorzubereiten und dem Flugpaten zuzusenden.

Wir können natürlich nur das weitergeben, was uns vorher gespendet wurde. Daher können wir auch nicht sagen, wann die IT-Spenden zusammengekommen sind. Sie können aber mithelfen, indem Sie z.B. ihr Netzwerk informieren selbst und zu IT-Spenden aufrufen oder die Presse informieren und einen Aufruf starten. Grafiken und Logos finden Sie auf

Bei Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

Labdoo Team |
IT-Spenden für Kinder und Schulen in der Welt


2. 'Wir können leider nicht helfen' Antwort

Manchmal bittet der Antragsteller um IT-Spenden für Einzelpersonen oder Projekte, die keinen Bildungsbezug haben. Da diese nicht zu Labdoos Zielgruppe gehören, kann in diesen Fällen die u.a. Antwort verschickt werden.


Lieber Antragsteller, liebe(r) $SOLICITORNAME,

Vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme und Ihre Anfrage. ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die IT-Spenden nur an private oder öffentliche Institutionen (Schulen, Waisenhäuser, Flüchtlings-/Bildungsprojekte u.a.) vermittelt. Eine Weitergabe von IT-Spenden an Einzelpersonen ist uns nicht möglich.

Daher können wir Ihrer Anfrage leider nicht entsprechen. Wenn Sie einen Antrag für ein Projekt gemäß unseren Statuten einreichen möchten, melden Sie sich gerne erneut. So kann z.B. eine Schule einen Antrag stellen und dann IT-Spenden für eine gewisse Zeit an SchülerInnen ausleihen. Gerne prüfen wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen Möglichkeiten zu helfen.

Ansonsten kann ich Ihnen nur den Hinweis geben, dass es viele Millionen nicht mehr genutzte Computer in Privathaushalten gibt. Nutzen Sie ihr Netzwerk und fragen Sie im privaten oder beruflichen Umfeld nach ausgemusterten Computern, die man Ihnen vielleicht spenden kann.

Labdoo Team |
IT-Spenden für Kinder und Schulen in der Welt

Response to Dootronics Donors



Thank you for your interest in contributing to the cause.

In order to make your contribution, you can bring your laptop(s) to your nearest hub where it will be sanitized and installed with the education software making it ready to travel to a destination school. You will find the global list of Labdoo hubs where you can bring your laptop in the following link:

If you want to receive automatic emails of the status of your laptop as it makes progress to a destination school as well as pictures of the school once your laptop mini-mission is completed, you can do one of the following two options:

  • Tag the laptop by creating an account at and by following the instructions in this form:
  • While we encourage the first option, alternatively you can also attach a post-it to the laptop with your email address. The next person in the chain will tag the laptop and include your email address so that you can receive updates.

If you want to contribute even more to help spread education, you can also sanitize your laptop prior to bringing it to a hub. To sanitize a laptop, follow the steps described in this page: . This step is only optional, if you don't want to sanitize the laptop, then you can simply bring it to your closest hub and the Labdoo team there will sanitize it for you.

For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email and ask me.

Thank you once again for your contribution.

Best regards,
Tag a laptop, spread education
Labdoo Team |


If the laptop does not satisfy the minimum requirements, use this response:


Thank you for your interest in contributing to the cause.

Unfortunately, we can only accept laptops that work (that can boot up) and that at least have 500MB of memory RAM. If you have any laptops that satisfy these two requirements and that you would like to contribute, kindly let us know.

For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email and ask me.

Thank you once again for reaching out to us.

Best regards,
Tag a laptop, spread education
Labdoo Team |


Reponse when we can accept the donation


Muchas gracias por tu interés en contribuir a la causa

Con el fin de llevar a cabo tu contribución, puedes traer tu(s) portátil(es) a tu Labdoo hub más cercano donde será saneado y donde se le instalará el software educativo poniéndolo apunto para viajar a una escuela destino. Encontrarás la lista global de hubs Labdoo donde puedes llevar tu portátil en el siguiente enlace:

Si deseas recibir correos electrónicos automáticos del estado de tu ordenador portátil a medida que avanza hacia una escuela destino, así como fotos de la escuela una vez tu portátil ha llegado a la escuela, puedes llevar a cabo una de las dos opciones siguientes:

  • Etiquetar el portátil mediante la creación de una cuenta en y siguiendo las instrucciones de este formulario:
  • De forma alternativa, también puedes enganchar un post-it a la computadora portátil con tu dirección de correo electrónico. La siguiente persona en la cadena etiquetará el portátil e incluirá tu dirección de correo electrónico para que puedas recibir las actualizaciones de estado de tu portátil.

Si quieres contribuir aún más en la causa de donar educación a escuelas necesitadas, también puedes sanear tu ordenador portátil antes de traerlo a un hub. Para sanearlo, sigue los pasos descritos en esta página: Este paso es opcional, si no quieres o no puedes sanear el portátil, puedes llevarlo directamente a tu hub más cercano y el equipo Labdoo de allí lo saneará para ti.

Para cualquier pregunta adicional, por favor no dudes en responder a este mensaje y preguntar.

Gracias una vez más por tu contribución.

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Reponse when we cannot accept the donation


Muchas gracias por tu mensaje y por tu voluntad de contribuir en la causa Labdoo.

Por cuestiones de sostenibilidad en su transporte y también por cuestiones de valor educativo, en Labdoo sólo aceptamos ordenadores portátiles y tabletas.

Si en un futuro tienes algún portátil o tableta en desuso que querrías contribuir para hacerlo llegar a una escuela necesitada, contáctanos y estaremos encantados en recibir tu contribución.

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


Benvolgut/da $NOMDELDONANT,

Moltes gràcies pel teu interès en contribuir a la causa

Per tal de fer la teva contribució, pots portar el teu portàtil(s) al teu Hub més proper on serà sanejat i on se li instal·larà el programari educatiu posant-lo a punt per viatjar a una escola destí. Trobaràs la llista global de Hubs Labdoo on pots portar el teu portàtil al següent enllaç:

Si desitges rebre correus electrònics automàtics de l'estat del teu ordinador portàtil mentre fa el seu camí cap a una escola necessitada, així com fotos de l'escola una vegada que el teu ordinador portàtil hagi arribat al seu destí, pots dur a terme una de les dues opcions següents:

  • Etiquetar el portàtil mitjançant la creació d'un compte a i seguir les instruccions d'aquest formulari:
  • Si bé encoratgem aquesta primera opció, de manera alternativa també pots adjuntar un post-it a l'ordinador portàtil amb la teva adreça de correu electrònic. La següent persona en la cadena col.laborativa Labdoo etiquetarà el teu portàtil i inclourà la teva adreça de correu electrònic perquè puguis rebre les actualitzacions.

Si vols contribuir encara més a fer arribar l'educació a escoles d'arreu del planeta, també pots sanejar el teu portàtil abans de portar-lo a un hub. Per sanejar-lo, segueix els passos descrits en aquesta pàgina: . Aquest pas és opcional, si no vols fer la tasca de sanejar l'ordinador portàtil, porta'l directament al teu hub més proper i l'equip de voluntaris Labdoo d'aquest hub el sanejarà per tu.

Per a qualsevol dubte, em pots fer arribar les teves preguntes responent directament a aquest missatge.

Gràcies un cop més per la teva contribució.

Labdoo Catalonia |
Dóna un portàtil, regala educació

Response to a Dootrip Offering



Thank you for contacting Project Labdoo and for your interest in contributing to the cause of helping to bring a laptop loaded with educational applications to schools in need.

We have Labdoo schools in $DESTINATIONCOUNTRY and it would be very positive if your trip can be used to carry one or more laptops there. To make this possible, we ask you to help us with two things:

  • As soon as you can, please register your trip (we call it a "dootrip") through this link: (if you have not created a Labdoo account yet, you can do so through this other link first:
  • Four or more weeks before your trip, please contact me and I'll help you coordinate the delivery of one or more laptops so that you can carry them to a destination school in your trip.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach back to me by replying to this email.

Thank you once again for your contribution.

Best regards,
Tag a laptop, spread education
Labdoo Team |


Benvolgut/da $NOMVIATGER:

Moltes gràcies per contactar amb el Projecte Labdoo y pel teu interès en contribuir a la causa ajudant a portar un ordinador portàtil carregat d'aplicacions educatives a una escola necessitada.

Tenim escoles Labdoo al $PAISDESTI i per tant seria molt positiu poder utilitzar el teu viatge per tal de transportar-hi algun ordinador portàtil. Per tal de fer-ho possible, et demanem que ens ajudis amb dues coses:

  • Així que puguis, registra el teu viatge (en diem "dootrip") a través d'aquest enllaç: (si no t'has creat un compte Labdoo, et demanem que ho facis a través d'aquest altre enllaç:
  • 4 setmanes o abans del teu viatge, posa't en contacte amb mi i t'ajudaré a coordinar l'entrega d'un o més portàtils per tal que els puguis portar a l'escola destí durant el teu viatge.

Per a qualsevol dubte, em pots fer arribar les teves preguntes responent directament a aquest missatge.

Gràcies un cop més per la teva contribució.

Dóna un portàtil, regala educació
Labdoo Catalonia |

Edoovillage Request Form

Please select the form in your preferred language from the templates below, copy/paste the selected form into your favorite word processor and then fill in each question. Once done, email the resulting form to your point of contact at

English Version

Requester Information:
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Organization :
Organization Website:
You Labdoo account user name: (this is needed so that Labdoo can assign laptops to your project--registration can be done here:
Project title: (a short title description for your project)

Project Site:
1. Project Description: (Please explain here your project and how you will use the laptops.)
2. Project Location:
3. Preferred language(s):
4. On Site Contact Information (please provide at least one way to contact):
4.1. Name:
4.2. Phone:
4.3. Email:
4.4. Physical address (street, city, zip code, country...):
4.5. GPS coordinates (if you know them or if you can find them out):
5. Claimed IT equipement
Number of Laptops needed:
Number of eBook Reader needed:
Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc):
6. Number of students:
7. Number of teachers:
8. Electricity in the room: (Voltage and plug/socket type, e.g. type A, B, C, D, etc. see following link for explanation of types:
9. Does the room have access to the Internet? [yes / no]
9.1. Is the access via wireless or cable?
10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed:
10.1. Is the room secure? [yes / no + brief explanation]
10.2. Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [yes / no + brief explanation]
10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [yes / no + brief explanation]

***The solicitation of a Labdoo laptop request implies that, upon receiving the laptops, the recipient agrees with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement".

Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement:

Dear Laptop receiver:

We are very pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to your project by providing technology to help bridge the digital divide.
With every right comes responsibilities. Technology, when adequately used, can provide very powerful means to aid those that are
most in need. But if used improperly, it can also damage our environment. By receiving the above items, you are automatically a
ccepting to abide by the following Labdoo global responsibilities:

(1) The items received will be used only for the purpose described by your organization at the time you solicited this donation.
If you intend to use it for a different purpose, you will contact first the Labdoo team at

(2) In the case that an incidence occurs to any of the received items, you will contact the Labdoo team at,
including in your email the tagging number of the item(s) related to the incidence and a brief explanation. The following
incidences must always be reported:
(2.1) At the end of life of any of the received items, so that the item can be properly recycled.
(2.2) When an item breaks, malfunctions or any change in its status.

(3) Every six months, please send an email to with the list of laptops that you have and their status (working or not working).

(4) Labdoo laptops are offered for free to you for education purposes. In return, you agree to not use the laptops for commercial
reasons and you agree not to charge any fee for the usage of the laptops.

(5) By returning this form filled in, the solicitor confirms owning all rights on sent materials (current or in the future) submitted to and allowing such content to be publicly available from In addition, the solicitor confirms having approval for taking pictures of the children and/or any person benefiting from Labdoo laptops, tablets or any Labdoo donations, from their parents and/or legal guardians. explicitly points to the fact that sent materials and pictures/photos may be used online and/or offline, and hence that they can be accessed by third parties, and that such pictures are used to help preserve the transparency and accountability of the projects.

We thank you for your commitment to make our world a better place and we wish you best of luck in your humanitarian mission.

The Labdoo Team.

Catalan Version

Formulari de sol·licitud Labdoo

Si us plau, còpia / enganxa aquest formulari en el teu processador de textos favorit i omple cada pregunta. Llavors, envia per correu electrònic el formulari resultant al teu punt de contacte a

Informació del sol·licitant:
El teu nom:
La teva adreça electrònica:
La teva organització:
La web de l'organització:
El nom d'usuari del teu compte Labdoo: (això és necessari per tal de que Labdoo pugui assignar els portàtils al teu projecte, el registre es pot fer aquí:
Títol del projecte: (un breu títol del teu projecte)

Lloc del projecte:
1. Resum del projecte: (Si us plau, escriu una descripció del teu projecte i la finalitat dels portatils).
2. Lloc del projecte:
3. Llenguatge/s preferit/s:
4. Informació de contacte del lloc (si us plau, com a mínim escriu una forma de contacte):
4.1. Nom:
4.2. Telèfon:
4.3. A/e:
4.4. Adreça física (carrer, ciutat, CP, país, ...):
4.5. Coordinades GPS (si les coneixes o si pots trobar-les):
5. Nombre de portàtils necessaris:
6. Nombre d'estudiants:
7. Nombre de professors:
8. Electricitat a l'habitació: (Voltatge i tipus de connectors a la paret, p. ex. tipus A, B, C, D, etc. mira el següent enllaç per més explicacions dels tipus:
9. L'habitació té accés a Internet? [sí / no]
9.1. L'accés és via sense fils o amb cable?
10. Condicions sobre l'habitació on els portàtils poden ser instal·lats:
10.1. L'habitació és segura? [sí / no + breu explicació]
10.2. L'habitació pot ser tancada per tal que els supervisors (p. ex. els professors) puguin controlar l'accés? [sí / no + breu explicació]
10.3. L'habitació és resistent a l'aigua? (p. ex. l'habitació protegeix els portàtils de la pluja, sorra, etc.?) [sí / no + breu explicació]

***La sol·licitud de petició d'un portàtil Labdoo implica que, un cop rebuts el/s portàtil/s, el sol·licitant està d'acord amb les condicions d'ús de Labdoo.

Condicions d'ús de Labdoo:
Estimat/da beneficiari/a del/s portàtil/s:

Ens plau moltíssim tenir l'oportunitat de contribuir al seu projecte proveint tecnologia que ajuda a reduir la fractura digital.

Però tot dret comporta responsabilitats. La tecnologia, quan s'utilitza adequadament, pot proporcionar mitjans molt poderosos per ajudar a aquells que més ho necessiten. Però si s'utilitza de forma inadequada, també pot malmetre el medi ambient. En rebre els elements anteriors, automàticament accepta complir amb les següents responsabilitats globals de Labdoo:

(1) Els elements rebuts seran utilitzats només pels propòsits descrits per la seva organització el dia que va sol·licitar la donació. Si vol utilitzar-los per a altres propòsits, haurà de contactar primer amb l'equip Labdoo a:

(2) En cas que passi un incident amb qualsevol dels elements rebuts, contactarà amb l'equip Labdoo a, incloent en el correu electrònic el número d'etiquetat de/dels l'element/s relacionats amb la incidència i una breu explicació. Les següents incidències sempre han de ser informades:
(2.1) El final del cicle de vida de l'element rebut, per tal que els elements puguin ser reciclats.
(2.2) Quan algun element es trenca, no funciona correctament o hi ha qualsevol canvi en el seu estat.
Un portàtil trencat pot ser molt perjudicial per al medi ambient i, per tant, els beneficiaris hauran de comunicar aquest tipus d'incidències al sistema/comunitat de Labdoo, per tal d'assegurar el seu correcte reciclatge.

(3) Cada sis mesos, si us plau, enviï un correu electrònic a amb la llista dels ordinadors portàtils que té i el seu estat (funciona o no funciona).

Li agraïm el seu compromís en fer del món un lloc millor i li desitgem molta sort en la seva missió humanitària.

L'Equip Labdoo.

Chinese Version


您的Labdoo 帳戶: ( 請在 網站上註冊一個帳號)

1. 專案摘要: (請提供一個簡短的說明, 關於申請筆記型電腦的目的及用途。)
2. 專案地點:
3. 首選語言:
4. 當地聯絡人:
4.1 姓名:
4.2 電話:
4.2. 電子郵件:
4.3. 實際地址:
5. 所需的筆記型電腦數量:
6. 學生人數:
7. 教師人數:
8. 教室內的電力類型: (電壓和插頭 /插座的類型,如A型,B,C,D等,請參閱以下鏈接類型的說明: is external))
9. 教室是否可上網? [是/否]
9.1. 是 透過過無線或有線連線?
10. 預計安裝筆記型電腦所在教室的條件:
10.1. 教室安全嗎? [是/否+簡要說明]
10.2. 教室能上鎖, 並可由管理者(如教師)控制電腦的使用嗎? [是/否+簡要說明]
10.3. 教室能防風雨嗎? (教室能保護筆記型電腦免受雨淋,沙塵損壞嗎 ?)[是/否+簡要說明]

*** 請閱讀並 同意 以下 “Labdoo筆記本電腦收件者協定 ”

Labdoo 筆記型電腦收件者協定:


但如果使用不當, 也會嚴重損害我們的環境。因此,通過申請上述筆電專案, 您將自動同意恪守以下條款,盡守全球公民的責任:

(1) 收到的筆電將只用于貴組織在申請捐贈時所描述的目的。
如果您打算使用它進行不同的目的, 您將事先聯繫 Labdoo 團隊。
(2) 當筆電有以下的狀況發生時, 您將與我們聯絡。
(2.2) 當專案中斷或其狀態的發生任何變化。
(3) 每隔六月, 請發一封電子郵件到 contact@labdoo. 告知筆電的狀態 (正常運作或損壞)。
(4) Labdoo 筆電僅免費為您提供教育目的。您同意不使用筆電腦進行任何商業行為。你並同意不收取任何筆電使用費。
(5) 當你填寫上列表格後並提交後,Labdoo (目前或將來) 擁有權利公開。此外您提送的任何資料以及圖檔,Labdoo 都將遵循自由軟體基金會的發行分享條款。

我們感謝您的支持, 使我們的世界成為一個更美好的地方。我們在此也祝福您的專案順利成功。

Labdoo 團隊 敬上

French Version

Formulaire de demande d’ordinateur portable Labdoo

Information du demandeur
Votre nom :
Votre adresse email :
Votre organisation :
Site WEB de votre organisation :
Votre nom d’utilisateur de votre compte Labdoo : (C’est nécessaire pour que Labdoo puisse assigner des portables à votre projet – Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici :
Titre du projet : (un titre court pour votre projet)

Site du projet
1. Résumé du projet : (Décrivez brièvement l’usage qu’il sera fait des ordinateurs portables sur le site de votre projet)
2. Emplacement du projet :
3. langue(s) préférée(s) :
4. Information de contact sur le site (fournissez au moins un moyen de contact)
a. Nom
b. Téléphone
c. Email
d. Adresse physique (Rue, Ville, Code postal, pays…) :
e. Coordonnées GPS (Si vous les connaissez ou si vous avez un moyen de les trouver)
5. Nombre d’ordinateurs dont vous avez besoin :
6. Nombre d’étudiants :
7. Nombre d’enseignants :
8. Electricité dans la pièce : (Voltage et type de prise, par exemple type A, B, C, D, etc. Consultez les explications des types de prise sur le lien suivant
9. Avez-vous accès à Internet dans la pièce ? [Oui / Non]
a. Est-ce un accès sans-fil ou par cable ?
10. Conditions sur la pièce où les portables seront installés
a. La pièce est-elle sécurisée [Oui / Non + explication brève]
b. La pièce peut-elle être fermée de telle façon que les superviseurs (par exemple les enseignants) puissent en contrôler l’accès ? [Oui / Non + explication brève]
c. La pièce est-elle à l’abri des intempéries ? (par exemple la pièce peut-elle protéger les ordinateurs de la pluie, du sable etc. ?) [Oui / Non + explication brève]

*** La demande d’ordinateurs Labdoo implique que le destinataire accepte « l’accord de destinataire de portable Labdoo » (Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement) à la réception des ordinateurs portables.

Accord de destinataire de portable Labdoo :

Cher receveur de portable :

Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir l’opportunité de contribuer à votre projet en vous fournissant la technologie qui aide à combler la brêche numérique.
Avec chaque droit viennent les responsabilités. La technologie, lorsqu’elle est correctement utilisée, peut fournir les moyens d’aider ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Mais si elle est utilisée incorrectement, elle peut aussi causer des dégâts à notre environnement. En recevant les articles ci-dessus, vous acceptez automatiquement de respecter les responsabilités globales de Labdoo suivantes :

(1) Les articles reçus ne seront utilisées que pour les objectifs décrits par votre organisation lorsque vous avez sollicité ce don. Si vous avez l’intention de les utiliser pour des objectifs différents, vous devez d’abord contacter l’équipe Labdoo à
(2) Si un problème se présente avec l’un des articles reçus, vous devez d’abord contacter l’équipe Labdoo à, en mentionnant dans votre email le numéro de l’étiquette de l’article et une brève description. Vous devez toujours reporter les évênements suivants :
a. A la fin de vie de tout article reçu, afin qu’il puisse être correctement recyclé
b. Lorsque un article est cassé ou ne fonctionne plus correctement ainsi que tout changement dans son état.
(3) Tous les six mois, vous devez envoyer un email a avec (la liste des ordinateurs portables en votre possession et leur état (fonctionnent ou ne fonctionnent pas).

Nous vous remercions pour votre engagement à faire du monde un endroit meilleur et nous vous souhaitons bonne chance dans votre mission humanitaire.

L’équipe Labdoo

German Version

Labdoo Laptop Antragsformular
Rev. 001

Informationen zum Antragssteller:
Dein Name:
Deine Email Adresse:
Deine Organisation :
Website der Organisation:
Dein Labdoo Konto User Name: (dieser wird benötigt, damit Labdoo Laptops deinem Projekt zuweisen kann--Die Registrierung kann hier erfolgen:
Project title: (ein kurzer Titel für dein projekt, am besten -> Land, Region/Ort: Name der Schule)

1. Projektbeschreibung: (Bitte beschreibe hier kurz, wie die Laptops in deinem projekt zum Einsatz kommen sollen.)
2. Projektort:
3. Bevorzugte Sprache(n):
4. Vor Ort Kontakt (bitte nenne wenigstens einen Weg zur Kontaktaufnahme):
4.1. Name:
4.2. Telefon:
4.3. Email:
4.4. Physikalische Adresse (Straße, Stadt, PLZ, Land, ...):
4.5. GPS Koordinaten (wenn du sie kennst oder herausfinden kannst):
5. Beantragt werden
Anzahl benötigter Computer:
(Inlandsprojekte erhalten PCs, Auslandsprojekte Laptops)
Anzahl benötigter eBook Reader:
Sonstiges (Tablet-PCs o.a.):
6. Anzahl Schüler:
7. Anzahl Lehrer:
8. Stromversorgung in der Schule: (Stromspannung und Art des Steckers, z.B. Typ A, B, C, D, etc. Siehe folgenden Link zur Erklärung der Typen
9. Hat der Raum Zugang zum Internet? [ja / nein]
9.1. Ist der Zuganng via WLAN oder LAN-Kabel?
10. Zustand der Räume, in denen die Laptops installiert werden:
10.1. Ist der Raum sicher? [ja / nein + kurze Erläuterung]
10.2. Kann der Raum durch die Lehrer abgeschlossen werden, um den Zugang zu kontrollieren? [ja / nein + kurze Erläuterung]
10.3. Ist der Raum wettergeschützt? (z.B. sind die Laptops im Raum vor Sand und Regen sicher?) [ja / nein + kurze Erläuterung]

*** Mit dem Abruf und dem Empfang von Labdoo Laptops verpflichtet sich der Empfänger zur Einhaltung der "Labdoo Laptop Empfänger Vereinbarung".

Labdoo Laptop Vereinbarung mit dem Empfänger:

Lieber Laptop Empfänger:

Wir freuen uns über die Möglichkeit, Ihr Projekt durch die Bereitstellung von IT-Technologie bei der Überwindung des "digitalen Grabens" zu unterstützen.
Mit jeder Laptopspende kommt aber auch eine Verantwortung. Richtig genutzte Technologie ist ein wirksames Mittel, diejenigen zu unterstützen, die Hilfe am dringendsten benötigen. Aber falsch eingesetzte Technik kann auch der Umwelt schaden. Mit Antragstellung und Erhalt der Laptops akzeptieren Sie automatisch die folgenden Punkte:

(1) Die IT-Spenden werden ausschließlich für die Zwecke Ihrer Organisation genutzt, wie im o.a. Antrag beschrieben. Wenn Sie sie doch für einen anderen Zweck verwenden wollen, müssen Sie zuerst beim Labdoo anfragen:
(2) Wenn es zu einer Störung oder Fehlfunktion bei den gespendeten IT-Teilen kommt kontaktieren Sie das Labdoo Team, unter Angabe Ihrer E-Mailadresse, der Tagging Nummer der gespendeten Teile und einer kurzen Erklärung. Folgende Vorfälle müssen immer gemeldet werden:
(2,1) Bei irreparablen Schäden, so dass das Teil problemlos recycelt werden kann.
(2,2) Wenn eine IT-Spende nicht funktioniert oder bei jeder Änderung seines Status.
(3) Bitte senden Sie alle sechs Monate eine E-Mail mit der Liste der Laptops an, die Sie einsetzen und deren Status (ob sie funktionieren oder nicht funktionieren) .

(4) Sie erhalten die Labdoo laptops kostenlos für Bildungszwecke. Im Gegenzug stimmen Sie zu, dass die Laptops nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke genutzt werden. Sie stimmen mit diesem Antrag zu, keine Gebühr für die Nutzung der Computer verlangt wird.

(5) Mit Abgabe dieses ausgefüllten Antrages bestätigt der Antragsteller gegenüber, dass er alle Rechte an jetzt oder zukünftig eingereichten Unterlagen hat und die Erlaubnis erteilt, diese zu veröffentlichen. Weiterhin bestätigt der Antragssteller, dass er von allen Kindern und/oder Personen, die von Labdoos IT-Sachspende profitieren, deren Erlaubnis zur Aufnahme von Fotos von ihren Eltern und/oder gesetzlichen Vertretern vorliegen hat. weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass eingereichte Unterlagen und Fotos offline und online veröffentlich werden und somit auch Dritten zugänglich sind. Die Fotos verwendet ausschließlich, um Transparenz und Nachvollziehbarkeit des Projektes zu ermöglichen.

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Engagement, um unsere Welt zu verbessern und wir wünschen Ihnen viel Glück bei Ihrem Hilfsprojekt bzw. ihrem humanitären Projekt.

Das Labdoo Team

Romanian Version

Fundamentare Proiect Computere Labdoo

Informatii solicitant:
Nume si prenume:
Adresa E-mail:
Nume institutiei :
Website institutie:
Numele contului Labdoo: (va este necesar pentru a permite Labdoo sa va repartizeze computere - va puteti inregistra aici:
Titlul proiectului dvs:

Date Project:
1. Rezumat proiect: ( Va rugam faceti o scurta descriere a scopului in care vor fi folosite computerele in cadrul organizatiei dvs)
2. Locul de desfasurare a proiectului:
3. Limbile preferate: (2 variante, in ordinea prioritatii)
4. Informatii de contact (se va indica cel putin o cale de contact):
4.1. Nume:
4.2. Telefon:
4.3. Email:
4.4. Adresa postala (strada, localitate, cod postal, tara...):
4.5. Coordonate GPS (daca le cunoasteti sau le puteti afla):
5. Numar necesar de computere:
6. Numar de elevi:
7. Numar de profesori:
8. Tip alimentare electrica la locul instalarii: (Tensiune si tip priza, de ex tip A, B, C, D, etc. vedeti explicatii la:
9. Aveti acces la Internet la locul instalarii ? [da / nu]
9.1. Internetul este disponibil wireless sau prin cablu?
10. Conditii despre locul instalarii computerelor:
10.1. Este sigur? [da / nu + detalii]
10.2. Poate fi incuiat pentru a permite supraveghetorilor (profesorilor) sa controleze accesul? [da / nu + detalii]
10.3. Asigura spatiul protectie impotriva conditiilor climaterice? (de ex,impotriva ploii, umiditatii, prafului, temperaturilor extreme, etc?) [da / nu + detalii]

***Solicitarea computerelor Labdoo implica acordul dvs. cu privire la setul de conditii incluse in "Acordul beneficiarului computerelor Labdoo".

Acordul beneficiarului computerelor Labdoo:

Dragi beneficiari ai computerelor Labdoo:

Suntem foarte multumiti ca am avut ocazia sa contribuim la realizarea proiectului dvs, furnizandu-va tehnologia necesara reducerii arieratului informatic in zona dvs de interes.

Orice beneficiu implica insa si o responsabilitate. Tehnologia, atunci cand este folosita corespunzator poate reprezenta un mijloc foarte eficient pentru a-i ajuta pe cei care au intr-adevar nevoie. Daca insa aceasta este folosita intr-un mod impropriu, ii poate afecta pe cei care o folosesc si mediul in care acestia traiesc. Prin primirea computerelor mai sus mentionate se considera ca acceptati respectarea urmatoarelor reguli generale Labdoo:

(1) Articolele primite vor fi utilizate doar in scopul pe care institutia dvs l-a precizat la momentul solicitarii prezentei donatii. Daca intentinati sa le folositi in alte scopuri, veti contacta mai intai echipa Labdoo la adresa

(2) In cazul in care se produce vreun eveniment cu privire la unul sau mai multe din articolele primite, veti contacta echipa Labdoo la, incluzand in E-mail-ul dvs. numarul de inregistrare Labdoo si o scurta descriere a problemei aparute. Urmatoarele evenimente vor fi intodeauna raportate:
(2.1) Sfarsitul duratei de viata a sistemului primit, pentru a putea recicla corespunzator produsul.
(2.2) Cand produsul a suferit distrugeri, defectiuni sau orice alterare a starii sale normale de functionare.

(3) La fiecare 6 luni, veti trimite un E-mail pe adresa, atasand lista computerelor si starea lor (functionale sau nefunctionale).

(4) Computerele Labdoo sunt oferite in mod gratuit in scopuri educationale. Veti fi de acord sa nu le folositi in scopuri comerciale sau sa nu solicitati vreo taxa pentru folosirea acestora.

Va multumim pentru implicarea in actiunile noastre care vizeaza construirea unei lumi mai bune cu sanse egale pentru toti, prin eliminarea decalajelor informatice si va dorim succes in realizare proiectelor dvs.
Institutie: Localitate: Data:
Nume si prenume reprezentant legal : Semnatura:
Nume si prenume sef proiect: Semnatura:

Spanish Version

Formato de solicitud de laptops de Labdoo.
rev. 001

Por favor, copia / engancha este formulario en tu procesador de textos favorito y luego rellena cada pregunta. Una vez hecho esto, envía por correo electrónico el formulario resultante a tu punto de contacto en

Información del receptor:
Tu nombre:
Tu dirección de correo electrónico:
Tu organización :
El sitio web de tu organización:
Tu username de (esto es necesario para que Labdoo pueda asignar
laptops a tu proyecto. Puedes registrarte aquí:
Título del proyecto: (un nombre breve para tu proyecto)

Instalaciones del proyecto:
1. Resumen del proyecto: (Por favor describe tu proyecto y la finalidad que tendran las computadoras.)
2. Localización del proyecto:
3. Idiomas de preferencia:
4. Información de contacto en el sitio (por favor provee por lo menos una manera de contactarte):
4.1. Nombre:
4.2. Teléfono:
4.3. Correo electrónico:
4.4. Dirección (calle, número, colonia, ciudad, código postal, país):
4.5. Coordenadas de GPS (si las sabes o puedes averiguarlas):
5. Número de laptops que se necesitan:
6. Número de estudiantes:
7. Número de profesores:
8. Electricidad en las instalaciones: (Voltaje y tipo de conectores, por ejemplo tipo A, B, C, D, etc.;
Ver el siguiente enlace para una explicación mas detallada:
9. ¿Hay acceso a internet en el sitio? [si / no]
9.1. ¿El acceso es inalámbrico o por cable?
10. Condiciones sobre el cuarto donde se instalarán las laptops:
10.1. ¿Es seguro? [sí / no + breve explicación]
10.2. ¿Puede cerrarse de manera que los supervisores (ejemplo: profesores) puedan controlar el acceso? [sí / no + breve explicación]
10.3. ¿El cuarto protege del clima? (ejemplo. El cuarto protegería las laptops de lluvia, arena, etc?) [si / no + breve explicación]

*** El solicitar laptops de Labdoo implica que al recibirlas el receptor está de acuerdo
con el "Acuerdo de recepción de laptops de Labdoo".

Acuerdo de recepción de laptops

Estimado receptor de laptops,

Estamos muy contentos de tener la oportunidad de contribuir a su proyecto
al proporcionar la tecnología para ayudar a reducir la brecha digital.
Con todo derecho vienen responsabilidades. La tecnología, cuando se
utiliza adecuadamente, puede proporcionar medios muy poderosos para
ayudar a aquellos que más lo necesitan. Pero si se usa incorrectamente,
puede también dañar el medio ambiente.

Al recibir el equipo que solicitó, automáticamente usted acepta cumplir con
las siguientes responsabilidades globales de Labdoo:

(1) Los artículos recibidos serán utilizados únicamente para la finalidad
descrita por su organización en el momento en que solicitó la donación. Si
desea utilizarlos para un propósito diferente, tendrá que contactar primero al
equipo de Labdoo a través de

(2) En el caso de que algún incidente ocurra a cualquiera de los artículos
recibidos, usted se comunicará con el equipo de Labdoo en, incluyendo en su correo electrónico el número de etiqueta
de los artículos relacionados con el incidente y una breve
explicación. Las siguientes incidencias siempre deben ser reportadas:

(2,1) El final de la vida de cualquiera de los artículos recibidos, de
modo que el artículo pueda ser debidamente reciclado.

(2,2) Cuando un elemento se rompa, presente mal funcionamiento, o haya
cualquier cambio en su estado.

(3) Cada seis meses, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a con la lista de los ordenadores portátiles que usted
tiene y su estado (funciona o no funciona).

(4) Las laptops de Labdoo son ofrecidas sin ningún cost a usted, para propósitos educativos.
A cambio, usted se compromete a no utilizar las laptops para ningún fin comercial no
cobrar ningún tipo de tarifa por su uso.

Le damos las gracias por su compromiso para hacer de nuestro mundo un
lugar mejor y le deseamos lo mejor de las suertes en su misión

El equipo de Labdoo.

Dootripper's Travel Letter

If you are doing a dootrip and would like to carry with you a letter describing the objective of your trip in case you need to justify your cargo to customs upon arriving at the destination country, please download the following template and modify it with your personal information.

[Dowload template letter in Open Office]
[Dowload template letter in Word format]
[Google Doc template]

Informative Message to Your Regional Hubs

From time to time, it is a good habit to send out an email to hubs in your area reminding them about the Labdoo tools that are available to help organize their laptop campaigns and sanitation events. For instance, for school hubs this message can be send out around early September as their yearly coursework starts. For other hubs (company, NGO, or home hubs) this message can be sent out anytime.

In this page you will find templates for such type of message in various languages that you can re-use for your convenience.


The world buys every year more than 400 million laptops and electronic tablets, yet 5000 million people still don't have access to powerful online and free sources of education. Whether we have 5 minutes, one hour, or a day of our time, here are a few things we can all do together or on our own to help spread education around the world:

  • Tag a laptop. Do you have a laptop or a tablet that you no longer use? Then consider donating it to a Labdoo school to help bring education to a child. All you need to do is 'tag it' by going to the this link and filling in the form. This will only take you 5 minutes.
  • Sanitize a laptop. Do you have one hour of your time? then help sanitize a laptop by cleaning an unused laptop or tablet, installing the education software, and making it ready so that the laptop can travel to a needy school. Follow the step by step instructions in the Labdoo wiki to sanitize your unused laptop from this link: sanitation steps.
  • Help carry a laptop in your next trip. Are you traveling? then consider bringing one or two sanitized laptops/tablets in your luggage to your destination. By re-purposing your trip to help move laptops around the globe, at Labdoo we accomplish our mission of spreading education to schools without adding any new CO2 emissions to the Planet and without any economic cost. We call this collaborative way of transporting objects around the world 'dootrips'. Here is a list of Labdoo hubs from where you can pick up sanitized laptops, and here is a list of target school destinations where they can be delivered. You can register your dootrip by going to this link.
  • Rescue and recycle a broken laptop. It is as important to spread education using laptops as making sure we keep our planet clean from electronic waste. Do you know of a laptop that is broken and that it can no longer be fixed nor used for education purposes? then it is time to recycle it! Find the closest recycling facility to your place and bring the laptop so its components can be properly disposed, starting a new cycle of life.
  • Create your own hub. If you have more time and the determination to help children reach education, you can also create your own Labdoo hub. Labdoo hubs can be created at home, at work, at high schools, at universities, at your NGO, you name it. The idea is simple: with your own hub, you will be able to create your own local campaigns to collect unused laptops and to host your own laptop sanitation events. If you are interested in creating a hub, email Labdoo at
  • Do you own or work for a company? check out Labdoo's CSR package. Companies can play a key role when it comes to helping those that are most in need. If you own or work for a corporation, consider helping the cause of spreading education around the globe by implementing one of the modules described in the Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility Package.
  • Help to translate the social network to other languages. The goal of Labdoo is to break barriers so that education can reach out to all the regions of the world. A key to overcoming these barriers is the capability to write documents and tools in as many languages as possible. Whether you have just 5 minutes, 1 hour, or more time, you can help the platform by contributing a translation. Even if you only have a little bit of time, you can still help with the translation of a small portion, as the sum of many little efforts can make a big difference. Everything counts when it comes to spreading education. If you are interested, contact the Labdoo Team at See also the Translations Brochure.
  • Help spread the word. Even if you can't do any of the above, there is still a lot of people in the world who can. So a great way to help spread education is by explaining the Labdoo story to your friends, family, class mates, or co-workers. You can read the About Labdoo page and you can watch this video to learn how the Labdoo Aid Social Network works and to get an idea of how together we can help make Education a universal right. You can also create your own local campaigns to spread awareness and mobilize your local community by using the material (logos, flyers, posters, etc.) that you will find in the Labdoo Toolkit.

The Labdoo Team


Benvolguts participants del Projecte Labdoo:

Amb el retorn a les activitats escolars i laborals, us volem fer arribar les eines que trobareu a la plataforma per tal que pugueu continuar organitzant les vostres campanyes de mobilització de portàtils i tauletes en desús i fer arribar educació als llocs més necessitats.

Us volem primerament informar que gràcies al treball de molts voluntaris, inclosa la vostra tasca, així com també a la transparència del projecte i la seva component col.laborativa, les donacions de portàtils individuals i empreses a la plataforma humanitària estan en augment. Per tant si necessiteu portàtils per fer els vostres tallers de sanejament i no en disposeu, si us plau escriviu-nos al mur de Labdoo Catalonia ( o be per email per tal que us puguem ajudar a rebre'n. Igualment, us encoratgem a que continueu les vostres pròpies campanyes de sensibilització i recollida de portàtils i tauletes en desús a traves de les vostres xarxes d'amistats i familiars ja que aquestes activitats tenen efectes molt positius també.

Al "Labdoo Toolkit" hi trobareu eines generals:

Podeu baixar-vos els logos de Labdoo per crear els vostres fulletons de mobilització des d'aquí:

Aquí teniu la guia simple explicant els passos de sanejament de portàtils:

El pòster de Labdoo:

El vídeo oficial explicatiu del Projecte Col.laboratiu Labdoo:

Si sou una empresa, en aquesta pàgina hi trobareu el paquet de Responsabilitat Social Corporativa:

Si sou part d'un Hub Escola, en aquesta pàgina hi trobareu exemples de cartes per enviar als pares:

Aquí hi trobareu un resum de les bones pràctiques Labdoo:

I recordeu com sempre que l'etiquetatge de portàtils es fa anant a "Dootronics" - "Tag it":

Volem compartir també amb vosaltres un llibre que vam editar sobre algunes de les histories Labdoo que vam presentar durant la conferencia Global Labdoo que es va cel.lebrar aquest passat Setembre a Barcelona. Trobareu també fotos de la conferencia en aquest àlbum on hi reconeixereu escoles i nens rebent portàtils els quals gràcies a les vostres activitats poden ara tenir accés a un ordinador amb continguts educatius d'alta qualitat.

Us desitgem a tots i totes molts èxits en les recollides d'ordinadors portàtils i tauletes i gràcies un cop més per participar en el Projecte Labdoo per fer arribar l'educació a escoles d'arreu del món.

Per a qualsevol pregunta, no dubteu a contactar-nos.

Labdoo Team Catalonia |


Estimados participantes del Proyecto Labdoo:

Con el regreso a las actividades escolares y laborales, os hacemos llegar las herramientas que se encuentran en la plataforma colaborativa para que podáis continuar organizando campañas de movilización de portátiles y tabletas en desuso y hacer llegar educación a los lugares más necesitados.

Os queremos primeramente informar que gracias al trabajo de muchos voluntarios, incluida vuestra tarea, así como también a la transparencia del proyecto y su componente colaborativa, las donaciones de portátiles individuales y empresas en la plataforma humanitaria están en aumento. Por lo tanto si necesitáis portátiles adicionales para hacer vuestros talleres de saneamiento, por favor escribid al muro de Labdoo Spain ( o bien enviadnos un email para que os podamos ayudar a recibir portátiles en desuso. Igualmente, os animamos a que continuéis vuestras propias campañas de sensibilización y recogida de portátiles y tabletas a través de vuestras redes de amistades y familiares ya que estas actividades tienen efectos muy positivos también.

En el "Labdoo Toolkit" encontraréis herramientas generales:

Podéis descargaros los logos de Labdoo para crear vuestros propios folletos de movilización desde aquí:

Aquí tenéis la guía simple explicando los pasos de saneamiento de portátiles:

El póster de Labdoo:

El vídeo oficial explicativo del Proyecto Colaborativo Labdoo: is external) (link is external)

Si sois una empresa, en esta página encontraréis el paquete de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa:

Si sois parte de un Hub Escuela, en esta página encontraréis ejemplos de cartas para enviar a los padres:

Aquí encontraréis un resumen de las buenas prácticas Labdoo:

Y recordad como siempre que el etiquetado de portátiles se hace a través del menú de "Dootronics" y seleccionando la opción "Tag it":

Queremos también compartir en esta ocasión con vosotros un libro que editamos sobre algunas de las historias Labdoo que presentamos durante la conferencia Global Labdoo que se celebró este pasado Septiembre en Barcelona. Encontrareis fotos de la conferencia en este álbum donde también reconoceréis escuelas y niños recibiendo portátiles los cuales gracias a vuestras actividades pueden ahora tener acceso a un ordenador con contenidos educativos de alta calidad.

Os deseamos a todos y todas muchos éxitos en vuestras recogidas de ordenadores portátiles y tabletas y gracias una vez más por participar en el Proyecto Labdoo para hacer llegar la educación a escuelas de todo el mundo.

Para cualquier pregunta, no dudéis en contactarnos.

Labdoo Team Spain |

Sample Outreach Letters for School Hubs

In this page you will find several examples of letters written by high school students. These sample letters are used to make the calls to collect unused laptops and tablets from parents, relatives and friends. The letters are sent to the parents via the school's mailing system. Upon receiving the letter, parents bring their unused laptops to the school. Then the students organize a workshop to sanitize the laptops and install the education software, making them ready for other needy schools. If you have other sample letters (in any language) and would like to share them, please add them to the bottom of this page.

Language: Catalan | Sample letter #1.



Welcome Message to Labdoo Hubs

When creating a new hub, send this welcome message to the new hub managers. Copy the message below into an email, substitute the keywords $HUBMANAGERNAME and $LINKTOTHENEWHUB for the name of the hub managers and the URL link to their newly created hub, respectively, and then send the message to the hub managers.



Thank you for joining Project Labdoo as a Hub Manager and welcome aboard. Here is a link to your hub:


Please review the following information to make sure it is correct.

  1. If there is any mistake in your hub page, please edit it yourself by clicking on the icon "Edit this hub" that you will find on the right column of your hub page above.
  2. Feel free to include additional information about your hub under the field "About this hub" that you will also find when clicking on the "Edit this hub" page.
  3. Take one or more pictures of your Labdoo hub team (for instance, take pictures about your hub location and the people that form the hub) and upload them under your hub photo album. The following page explains how to upload pictures to your hub:

As a hub manager, you will have access to additional tools within the Labdoo system to help you manage your dootronics/edoovillages/dootrips inventories and to help organize your outreaching campaigns.

Here is some information to get you started:

  1. General information on how to manage your hub:
  2. The general Labdoo toolkit will give you access to flyers, automated template responses, logos, etc:
  3. As a hub manager, you can configure notifications to detect activity in your area such as tagged laptops or dootrips being registered. Follow the instructions in this page to configure these automatic notifications:
  4. You can download logos to create your Labdoo outreaching campaigns from here:
  5. The simple laptop sanitation guide:
  6. Or if you are even more courageous, here is the advanced laptop sanitation guide:
  7. If you are a dropping point, in this link you will find the tagging protocol you need to follow:
  8. The Labdoo poster:
  9. The hubs quick brochure:
  10. The official video explaining the collaborative project Labdoo:
  11. If you are a business, on this page you will find the Corporate Social Responsibility package:
  12. If you are a school Hub, on this page you will find examples of letters you can send to parents to help mobilize unused laptops:
  13. Here is a summary of the 'Good Labdoo Habits' (GLITs):
  14. And remember that to tag a laptop, you need to go to the menu option "Dootronics" and click on "Tag It":

For any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Labdoo via the various teams wall or directly to

Thank you once again for joining the Labdoo cause and happy tagging to you and all your hub teammates!

Best regards,
Labdoo Team |

Asking your friends for a dootrip

If you are looking for travelers that go from one city to another to help bring one or more laptops (we call this a dootrip), you can reuse this template to send out an email, text it or post it in your favorite social network to find travelers that might be willing to help out.


Dear friends,

As many of you already know, I collaborate with Labdoo, the NGO that brings clean unused computers and educational software to schools where they need them, using sustainable resources (and without the need for money) based on the work and collaboration of volunteers around the world. To solve the transportation problem, we repurpose the trips made by people like you, so we do not divert resources that should go to more important things and so that we can help to reduce CO2 emissions to the planet.

To bring computers to [FINAL DESTINATION] we have a traveler that often goes from [INTERMEDIATE POINT], so now we only need to carry laptops from [OUTPUT POINT] in [INTERMEDIATE POINT]. The first trip will do so soon, within a week or so.

If you are planning a trip to [INTERMEDIATE POINT], could you help us with one or two healthy laptops?
(Or if you know someone who is going to)

Here you will find information and pictures of the [FINAL DESTINATION] school, which suffered the terrible effects of the [Pam Cyclone in March 2015 and that is already enough to receive the computers]. (PERSONALIZE AS YOU CONSIDER TIMELY)


Thank you for your cooperation,

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education



Hola amics,

Com potser sabeu col.laboro amb Labdoo per portar ordinadors en desús sanejats i amb software educatiu a escoles on els necessiten, tot amb recursos sostenibles existents, sense diners. El transport el fem aprofitant viatges de gent com ara vosaltres, així no desviem recursos que han d'anar a coses més importants com la salut.

Per portar ordinadors a [DESTINACIÓ FINAL] tenim un viatger que hi va sovint des de [PUNT INTERMEDI], així que ara sols ens cal portar portàtils de [PUNT DE SORTIDA] a [PUNT INTERMEDI].
El primer viatge el farà aviat, d'aquí una setmana aproximadament, però també hi va sovint.

Si aneu cap a [PUNT INTERMEDI] ens podreu portar un o dos portàtils sanejats i amb software educatiu?
(o si coneixeu algú que hi va)

Aquí trobareu info i fotos de l'escola de [DESTINACIÓ FINAL], que va patir els terribles efectes del [cycló Pam al març del 2015 i que ja està suficientment refeta per rebre els ordinadors]. (PERSONALITZEU COM CONSIDEREU OPORTÚ)

Gràcies per la vostra col·laboració,

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education


Queridos amigos,

Como muchos ya sabéis colaboro con Labdoo, la ONG que llevar ordenadores en desuso saneados y con software educativo a escuelas donde los necesitan, para esto se aprovechan recursos ociosos, es decir sin dinero, a base del trabajo y colaboración de voluntarios. El transporte por ejemplo lo hacemos aprovechando viajes de gente como vosotros, así no desviamos recursos que deben ir a cosas más importantes como la salud.

Para llevar ordenadores a [DESTINO FINAL] tenemos un viajero que va a menudo desde [PUNTO INTERMEDIO], así que ahora sólo necesitamos llevar portátiles de [PUNTO DE SALIDA] en [PUNTO INTERMEDIO]. El primer viaje lo hará pronto, dentro de una semana aproximadamente.

Si tienes previsto un viaje a [PUNTO INTERMEDIO] ¿podrías ayudarnos llevando uno o dos portátiles saneados?
(O si conoce a alguien que va a )

Aquí encontrarás información y fotos de la escuela de [DESTINO FINAL], que sufrió los terribles efectos del [Ciclón Pam en marzo de 2015 y que ya está suficientemente repuesta para recibir los ordenadores]. (PERSONALICE COMO CONSIDERA OPORTUNO)

Gracias por su colaboración,

Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Response to tax receipt request



Thank you for helping to give children a better education with your laptops.

As you may know, Labdoo runs as a distributed / humanitarian social network platform. The donation process propagates from one volunteer to the next, until the laptop reaches its school destination. Our system provides a communication platform for all the volunteers involved across more than 100 nations and financial boundaries. Thanks to our collaborative approach, Labdoo does not need monetary donations to sustain itself. Our no money approach implies also that there is no chance for financial corruptions. With over $CURRENT_NUMBER_OF_LABDOO_LAPTOPS laptops delivered to $CURRENT_NUMBER_LABDOO_SCHOOLS different schools, this model demonstrates the efficacy of running an organization just through collaboration and without the need for funding.

According to the IRS, the burden of proof for non-cash donations to non-profit organizations is on the donor. The IRS states that if an item is valued less than $5000, the donor can fill out IRS tax form 8283 (f8283) by themselves without any input or receipt from the laptop recipient school. Since the residual value of a used laptop is lower that this amount, the recipient school is not required to provide proof for donors.

Because of the above reason, Labdoo does not issue tax receipts. By registering your laptops in the Labdoo system, you can be assured that the working laptops are properly delivered via the platform-generated email notification that you receive from the recipient schools, which you can use as a proof of your donation to that school . You will receive email notifications on the status of broken laptops too as they make their way to the recycling facility.

Thanks for your understanding and for your joint effort on making the Labdoo system transparent and efficient.

Best regards,
Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Response When You Cannot/Did Not Meet Delivery Deadline


I apologize for the inconvenience created by the laptops not arriving in time for your needs.

Despite our best efforts to deliver the laptops on time, our reliance on factors beyond our control (such as the service provided by the courier, flight schedules, etc.) meant that we were unable to meet your expectations for delivery in the time period allotted.

We are sorry that your plans have been disrupted and we will work with you to determine next steps so that we can resolve the issue together. Furthermore, we will assess the situation to deduce measures we can adopt to help minimize issues of this nature in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Response to an Unreasonable Request


I am writing with reference to your request for (STATE THE REQUEST).

As you may know, Labdoo is a humanitarian social network that connects people around the world to provide those in underdeveloped regions with a chance at a better education. To serve the schools we partner with, we rely on the generosity of this global team of volunteers who donate their time and energy to make our world a better place.

Due to the limitations of our resources and capabilities, we unfortunately are unable to meet your request for (STATE THE REQUEST). Given the situation, the best we can do is to (PROVIDE AN OPTION SUCH AS REFERRING THEM TO ANOTHER ORGANIZATION).

Thank you for the work that you do to (STATE THEIR MISSION).


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Response when Applicant does not fulfil Labdoo Requirements


I am writing in reference to your application to register as a Labdoo edovillage.

Labdoo is an all-volunteer, humanitarian social network that connects people around the world to provide those in underdeveloped regions with a chance at a better education. We applaud the work you are doing to … (STATE THEIR MISSION); however, we are unable to accept your application as your work does not fall within the parameters of our mission.

Should our resources grow in the future and we are able to expand our criteria for edovillage registrations, we would be happy for you to resubmit your application.

Thank you for the work that you do to help make our world a better place.


Labdoo Team |
Tag a laptop, spread education

Dootronic Packaging Print Outs

If you are packaging dootronics into boxes, you can print the following 'fragile drawings' and stick them to each of the sides of your box.

[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Desktop Image

Once you have sanitized a dootronic, you can optionally set its desktop image to the following image to give it a friendly look.

[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Hub Brochure

You can use this to help explain what a hub is and/or to announce the creation of a new hub.

[Download in printable format]

Dootrip Brochure

You can use this brochure to ask your friends and close network if they would be willing to contribute a dootrip to help bring a laptop or tablet to a needy school using CO2 neutral means.


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Translations Brochure

You can use this brochure to ask your friends and close network if they can help translate the Labdoo platform to another language.

[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Roll Up

You can use this to make your own Labdoo Roll Up and help reach out your local community.

[Download in printable format]

The Labdoo Story Poster

You can use this poster to help explain the Labdoo circle of life workflow.

[Download in printable format]

Labdoo CSR Package - Flyer

As a company implementing the Labdoo Corporate Social Responsability Package you can create your own flyer and distribute it away to other companies and/or your employees. If you need to generate your own flyer, contact the Labdoo team at and we can help you out.

Example of Labdoo CSR flyer.

Labdoo Student Diary

In addition to the guidelines described in the Labdoo School Hub Booklet, it is often suggested by teachers that students performing Labdoo activities take the initiative of writing a report or a diary of their activities. This allows students to enhance their writing and communication skills while at the same time they share their social activities and their learning lessons with the rest of the classmates and the local community.

Here is a great example of a diary that one of the high school students from one of the Labdoo School Hubs wrote and that you can use as a reference example:

[Download in pdf format]

Dootronics Welcome Package

When bringing laptops and tablets to a school, make sure you also deliver one printed copy of the "Dootronics Welcome Package".

The three following links will allow you to download each of the documents that are part of the welcome package. Please print each of these three documents, put them inside an envelope and deliver them at your destination school together with the laptops/tablets.

  1. Please print the Labdoo Welcome Letter: English | Catalan | Chinese | French | German | Spanish.
  2. Please print the Labdoo Quick Start Guide: English | Catalan | Chinese | French | German | Spanish.
  3. Please print the reason why Labdoo uses Linux: English
  4. Please go to the LGS Welcome Sheet, click on "Printer-friendly version" at the bottom of that page, and print the sheet to ensure the recipient is aware about the Labdoo Global Support Program.

Outreaching Personalized Cards

You can download these templates to create your own personalized Labdoo outreaching cards.

[Front - Download in editable Open Office file format]

[Back - Download in editable Open Office file format]

Labdoo Videos

The following videos can be used for your own Labdoo campaigns. Let's say you need to explain a potential laptop donor how Labdoo works? you can use the 'Circle of Life' video. Need to illustrate Labdoo's grassroots growth? you can use the 'Growth Video'. As we develop more videos, they will also be added to this page.

Labdoo's 5 Step Process to Spread Education

English | French | German | Spanish | Catalan

The Labdoo Process (English)

The Labdoo Process (German)

The Circle of Life (English)

The Circle of Life (Catalan)

The Circle of Life (Chinese)

The Circle of Life (German)

The Circle of Life (Italian)

The Circle of Life (Spanish)

The Circle of Life (Spanish/Mexican)

Organic Growth


Call for Laptops Brochure

You can use this brochure to launch your outreaching campaign to collect unused but working laptops and tablets from your local community.

This brochure is just one example. You will need to adapt it to change the title of the project and the location from where you are running your campaign. You will find the source of this file under this link.

If you want to create your own version of this brochure, please email us at and we will create a replica file that you can edit and use for your own campaign.


Labdoo Brochure

You can use this to help explain what Labdoo is.

[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Dropping Point Hub Poster

This is a poster that you can print and display near your hub to give you more visibility. The poster will allow people walking by your hub to know that in your location they can bring their unused laptops.

If you would like to translate this poster to a different language or to modify it in some way, please reach out to the Labdoo team at


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]


[Download in printable format]

Labdoo Presentation Slides

If you need to present Project Labdoo in front of your audience (at your school, at your work, in a conference, anywhere), feel free to use these slides. If you'd like to modify the slides, send us an email at and we will send you the original sources so that you can adjust the content.

[Download in printable format]

The source document for this presentation can be found under this link. If you want to modify it and create your own version, please email us at and we will give you access.

Things You Can Do To Spread Education

The world buys every year more than 400 million laptops and electronic tablets, yet 5000 million people still don't have access to powerful online and free sources of education. Whether we have 5 minutes, one hour, or a day of our time, here are a few things we can all do together or on our own to help spread education around the world:

  • Tag a laptop. Do you have a laptop or a tablet that you no longer use? Consider donating it to a Labdoo school to help bring education to a child. All you need to do is 'tag it' by going to the this link and filling in the form and contact a hub near you. This will only take you 5 minutes.
  • Sanitize a laptop. Do you have one hour of your time? You can help sanitize a laptop by cleaning an unused laptop or tablet, installing the education software, and making it ready so that the laptop can be sent to a needy school. Follow the step by step instructions in the Labdoo wiki to sanitize your unused laptop from this link: sanitation steps.
  • Help carry a laptop in your next trip. Are you traveling? then consider bringing one or two sanitized laptops/tablets in your luggage to your destination. By re-purposing your trip to help move laptops around the globe, at Labdoo we accomplish our mission of spreading education to schools without adding any new CO2 emissions to the Planet and without any economic cost. We call this collaborative way of transporting objects around the world 'dootrips'. Here is a list of Labdoo hubs from where you can pick up sanitized laptops, and here is a list of target school destinations where they can be delivered. You can register your dootrip by going to this link.
  • Rescue and recycle a broken laptop. It is as important to help education by using laptops as to keep our planet clean from electronic waste. Do you know of a laptop that is broken and can no longer be fixed, nor be used for education purposes? Then it is time to recycle it! Find the closest recycling facility to your place and bring the laptop so its components can be properly disposed and starting a new cycle of life.
  • Create your own hub. If you have more time and the determination to help children reach education, you can also create your own Labdoo hub. Labdoo hubs can be created at home, at work, at high schools, at universities, at your NGO, you name it. The idea is simple: with your own hub, you will be able to create your own local campaigns to collect unused laptops and to host your own laptop sanitation events. If you are interested in creating a hub, email Labdoo at
  • Do you own or work for a company? check out Labdoo's CSR package. Companies can play a key role when it comes to helping those that are most in need. If you own or work for a corporation, consider helping the cause of spreading education around the globe by implementing one of the modules described in the Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility Package.
  • Help translate the social network into other languages. The goal of Labdoo is to break barriers so that education can reach out to every corner of the world. A key to overcoming these barriers is the capability to write documents and tools in as many languages as possible. Whether you have just 5 minutes, 1 hour, or more time, you can help the platform by contributing a translation. Even if you only have a little bit of time, you can still help with the translation of a small portion, as the sum of many little efforts can make a big difference. Everything counts when it comes to spreading education. If you are interested, contact the Labdoo Team at See also the Translations Brochure.
  • Help spread the word. Even if you can't do any of the above, there is still a lot of people in the world who are capable of contributing parts in the Labdoo process. A great way to help spread the Labdoo awareness is to explain the Labdoo story to your friends, family, class mates, or co-workers. You can read the About Labdoo page and you can watch this video to learn how the Labdoo Aid Social Network works and to get an idea of how together we can help make Education a universal right. You can also create your own local campaigns to spread awareness and mobilize your local community by using the material (logos, flyers, posters, etc.) that you will find in the Labdoo Toolkit.

The Labdoo Team


Labdoo Wiki for Travelers

Labdoo Buttons

Learn how it works (en)

Learn how it works (de)

Learn how it works (zh-hans)

Learn how it works (zh-hant)

Learn how it works (ca)

Learn how it works (es)

Join Labdoo (en)

Join Labdoo (de)

Join Labdoo (zh-hans)

Join Labdoo (zh-hant)

Join Labdoo (ca)

Join Labdoo (es)

Download data (ed)

Become a labdooer (en)

Contact Labdoo (en)

Create a school (en)

Contribute computer (en)

Contribute dootrips (en)

Learn how it works (en)

Become a labdooer (de)

Contact Labdoo (de)

Create a school (de)

Contribute computer (de)

Contribute dootrips (de)
