The rhythmdictation2 module

Solfege will play a generated rhythm, and then the user should enter the rhythm in the rhythm editor. Below is a minimal lesson file. You can have as many question blocks as you like. When the program generates a random question, it will first select one question block by random, and then use it to generate the actual question.

header {
  module = rhythmdictation2
  title = "Rhythm dictation"
# Tempo for all questions that does not specify it.
tempo = 150/4
# Countin for all questions that does not specify it
countin = rhythm("d4 d d d")

question {
  bars = 4/4, 3/4, 4/4
  elements = "4", "8 8"
  # Tempo set here overrides the global tempo
  tempo = 150/4
question {
  bars = 3/4, 3/4
  countin = rhythm("d4 d d")
  elements = "4", "8 8"

The time signatures of the bars to generate. The number of time signatures tell how many bars to generate.


The elements to choose from when generating the rhythm.