Hoofdstuk 4. Extending GNU Solfege


File locations
Lesson files and front page files
User lesson files
Lesson files
File encoding
Useful unicode characters
Global variables
Lesson file contents
Header block
Question block
The import statement
The rimport statement
Import or include
music objects
The chordvoicing module
The compareintervals module
The dictation module
The elembuilder module
The element block
The header block
The question block
The harmonicinterval module
The idbyname module
Question block
The identifybpm module
The idproperty module
The idtone module
The melodicinterval module
The nameinterval module
The rhythm module
The rhythmtapping module
The rhythmtapping2 module
The rhythmdictation module
The rhythmdictation2 module
The singanswer module
The singchord module
The singinterval module
The toneincontext module
The twelvetone module
Writing your own modules
The mpd module
Midi instrument names
Percussion instrument names


GNU Solfege is written so that it can easily be extended, even if you do not know any computer programming. The steps are:

  • Create a lesson file and save it it in the first directory listed when you select User Exercises from the File menu. Create the directory if it does not exist.

  • Select User Exercises once again to see the file show up in the list.

  • Click the link to your lesson file and enjoy!

To get started, you can copy one of the lesson files included in GNU Solfege. The lesson files are located in the exercises/standard/lesson-files subdirectory of the installation directory. You can find the installation directory by selecting File Locations from the Help menu. It is important to store the lesson files you create in the directory intended for user created lesson files, and not in the applications directory. This because all files in the installation directory may be removed while upgrading the program.

If you create many lesson files, you might want to group them together in a separate subdirectory and attach them to a front page file. This way you have a set of files in a subdirectory that you can easily distribute to other students. So create a new directory side by side the user directory you found by selecting User Exercises earlier this article. Your files might be structured like this:


To create a new front page file, you should select Edit Front Page from the File menu, and then click New on the toolbar of the dialog that pops up.