
With “@SIG@” you can sign a text.


[DIFF] 09:10 Info guiverc [1-2] #01 neaten contrib (text) values & hide (##) future goals
#02 info about me ...
[DIFF] 23:51 Info 1-ubuntu-i
[DIFF] 17:48 Info rosco2 [1-4]
laney [5]
#01 Consistent formatting
#02 Add Debian packages
#03 Fix list of packages using a code block
#04 List the Ubuntu Studio packages
[DIFF] 10:31 Info rbalint
[DIFF] 23:10 Info samantha-jian
[DIFF] 02:48 Info davidhdz Mejoras en la traducción y presentación.
[DIFF] 01:15 Info tsimonq2 [1-2] #01 Ugh, I forget, this isn't markdown.... >__<
[DIFF] 19:26 Info mdeslaur
[DIFF] 18:46 Info samantha-jian
[DIFF] 17:26 Info slashd
[DIFF] 14:45 Info dale-f-beaudoin
[DIFF] 08:22 Info lhammonds Spelling correction.
[DIFF] 06:43 Info sukso96100 [1-2]
[DIFF] 21:35 Info dannf
[DIFF] 20:02 Info dale-f-beaudoin [1-2]
[DIFF] 19:43 Info rosco2
[DIFF] 19:31 Info jbicha try again to correct meeting time
[DIFF] 19:07 Info paulw2u Updated Ubuntu versions used
[DIFF] 19:00 Info penalvch [1-2] #01 1) + sect for gen info & kernel tests. 2) + entry kernel test drm-intel-nightly as historically requested for drm-intel issues. 3) Adj wording mainline to not assume folks know an issue fixed or not.
#02 1) + ToC. 2) + intro as ToC presentation w/o was off. 3) + general sect. for upstream. 4) As per LP#1727662 + drm-intel upstream entry.
[DIFF] 18:43 Info jdstrand
[DIFF] 09:49 Info vanvugt [1-3]
[DIFF] 05:56 Info dguerrero33 updating info
[DIFF] 23:07 Info dale-f-beaudoin
[DIFF] 20:05 Info brad-figg [1-2]
[DIFF] 19:53 Info penalvch [1-2] #01 RM'ed the rest of the GRUB 0.97 instructions as applies to EOL releases.
#02 RM'ed Grub 0.97 instructions as applicable to EOL releases.
[DIFF] 18:25 Info daniel-thewatkins Added my testimonial
[DIFF] 17:41 Info sil2100
[DIFF] 17:39 Info tyhicks [1]
emilyr [2]
[DIFF] 17:01 Info tyhicks [1-3]
[DIFF] 16:29 Info tyhicks
[DIFF] 16:27 Info tyhicks
[DIFF] 12:15 Info xueshengyao [1-2]
[DIFF] 04:36 Info rexbouwense
[DIFF] 04:18 Info rexbouwense
[DIFF] 04:16 Info rexbouwense
[DIFF] 03:08 Info naudyvu [1-9]
[DIFF] 07:53 Info rafael-carreras
[DIFF] 07:50 Info rafael-carreras [1-2] #01 corregeixo els nivells de les xerrades
#02 nivell de les xerrades
[DIFF] 07:48 Info rafael-carreras [1-6] #01 imatge
#02 Upload of attachment 'beaver.jpg'.
#03 logo la Bòbila
#04 Upload of attachment 'LogoBòbila.png'.
#05 inici
[DIFF] 07:22 Info rafael-carreras resum i nou ordre del dia


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